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Diversified Equities

Starlight Capital’s diversified equity solutions are concentrated portfolios of high-quality companies purchased when they offer us enough return for the risk we are exposed to. High-quality companies are industry leaders that generate high returns on capital with low debt.

What are diversified equity funds?

Diversified equity funds are portfolios designed to invest across a range of market sectors, assets, and/or geographical regions, irrespective of their size or whether they are large-, mid-, or small-caps. With a comprehensive range of holdings, these funds help safeguard your investments against localized market or sector fluctuations.

The primary aim of diversified equity funds is to achieve long-term capital appreciation through equity investments. Any equity mutual fund with such a broad investment scope can be termed a diversified equity fund. While index funds share a similar approach, Starlight Capital’s diversified equity solutions are actively managed concentrated portfolios with high active share.

Diversified Equities:

Starlight Capital Advantage

Starlight Capital Advantage

  • Concentrated portfolio
  • Sectors not available in Canada
  • Mid-cap exposure
  • Benchmark agnostic
  • High active share

Diversified Equities Expertise

Managing any diversified equities portfolio requires expertise and experience—a lot of it. At Starlight Capital, we have over two decades of active diversified equities portfolio management experience. Our unwavering commitment to delivering strong risk adjusted long-term performance has carved an award-winning track record that stands as a testament to our expertise.

Featured Funds

Discover how the Starlight Capital diversified equity mutual funds can help your clients meet their investment goals.
Starlight Dividend Growth Class
Seeks sustainable dividend growth of 10%+ from high-quality North American companies that can outperform in a variety of economic environments
2020 Lipper Fund Award Winner1
2021 Lipper Fund Award Winner2
Starlight North American Equity Fund
Seeks reliable and repeatable growth from high-quality North American companies that can outperform in a variety of economic environments
2020 Lipper Fund Award Winner3
2022 Lipper Fund Award Winner4
Starlight Global Growth Fund
Seeks reliable and repeatable growth from high-quality global companies that can outperform in a variety of economic environments


Portfolio Managers & Diversified Equities Team / Resources

Starlight Capital’s strength comes from our portfolio managers and the expertise and experience that they provide.

Dennis Mitchell

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer

Dennis Mitchell joined Starlight Capital in March 2018 as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer. He has over 20 years of experience in the investment industry and has held executive positions with Sprott Asset Management, serving as Senior Vice-President and Senior Portfolio Manager, and Sentry Investments, serving as Executive Vice-President and Chief Investment Officer.

Mr. Mitchell received the Brendan Wood International Canadian TopGun Award in 2009, 2010, and 2011 and the Brendan Wood International 2012 Canadian TopGun Team Leader Award. He also received the Afroglobal Television Excellence Award for Enterprise in 2020 and the Black Business and Professionals Association’s Harry Jerome President’s Award in 2021.

Mr. Mitchell holds the Chartered Financial Analyst and Chartered Business Valuator designations and earned a Master of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business at York University in 2002 and an Honors Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1998.

Mr. Mitchell currently sits on the Board of the Toronto Foundation and is Co-Founder and Director of the Black Opportunity Fund.


Sean Tascatan

Senior Portfolio Manager

Sean Tascatan joined Starlight Capital in January 2023 as Senior Portfolio Manager. He has over 10 years of experience in the investment industry.

Mr. Tascatan most recently held a position at a Canadian independent asset management firm as the lead portfolio manager of numerous dividend funds, including a U.S. Dividend Growth Fund where he specialized in high-quality, dividend paying U.S. equities. Prior to that, he worked at Sentry Investments where he was a key member of an award-winning Equity Income team that garnered multiple Lipper Fund and Morningstar Investment Awards. There, he was the co-manager of a $3B U.S. Growth and Income Fund and a $500MM Diversified Equity Fund.

Mr. Tascatan holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has completed the Options Licensing Course and has an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Financial Management from Wilfrid Laurier University.


Michael Giordano

Senior Portfolio Manager

Michael Giordano joined Starlight Capital in September 2022 as Senior Portfolio Manager. He has over 25 years of experience in the investment industry.

Mr. Giordano most recently held a position with Stone Asset Management (“SAM”) as Vice-President, Senior Portfolio Manager. Prior to joining SAM, he spent 10 years in portfolio management with Pinetree Capital and Lawrence & Company. Prior to that, he managed internal audit at Gordon Capital from 1992 to 1996.

Mr. Giordano holds the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) and Chartered Accountant designations and earned a Master of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business in 1995.



Starlight Global Growth Fund is sub-advised by Rathbones Group Plc.

James Thomson

Portfolio Manager

Managed Funds: Starlight Global Growth Fund

James Thomson has been lead manager of the Rathbone Global Opportunities Fund for the past 20 years and it is one of the top performing funds in the IA Global sector.

James is a member of the Executive Committee of Rathbones Asset Management. He joined Rathbones in 2000, having grown up on the island of Bermuda and graduating from Cornell University in New York. He holds the Investment Management Certificate and is a Fellow of the Securities Institute.


Sammy Dow

Portfolio Manager

Managed Funds: Starlight Global Growth Fund

Sammy is a fund manager and works exclusively with James on the management of the Rathbone Global Opportunities Fund. He joined Rathbones in 2014 from JPMorgan Cazenove, where he worked for 14 years in Pan-European Equity Sales providing advice to James as well as other institutional clients, hedge funds and private clients. Sammy is a graduate of both Edinburgh and Cambridge University where he completed an MA in 2001.


Portfolio managers from Starlight Capital Diversified Equities team offer views and insights on current market and strategies, and news about opportunities they see today.

Speak to your advisor

For more information on Starlight Capital Diversified Equity Mutual Funds, contact your financial advisor.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Please read the prospectus before investing. Investors should consult with their advisors prior to investing.

This material is for informational and educational purposes only. The information contained herein is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any security. Such an offer can only be made by prospectus or other applicable offering document.

There are ongoing fees and expenses associated with owning units of an investment fund. An investment fund must prepare disclosure documents that contain key information about the fund. You can find more detailed information about the fund in these documents.

Starlight Investments, Starlight Capital and all other related Starlight logos are trademarks of Starlight Group Property Holdings Inc.

1,2,3,4Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards:

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada 2020 Winner, Starlight Dividend Growth Class (Series A), Best Canadian Dividend & Income Equity Fund Over 3 Years.

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada 2021 Winner, Starlight Dividend Growth Class (Series F), Best Canadian Dividend & Income Equity Fund Over 5 Years.

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada 2020 Winner, Starlight North American Equity Fund (Series A), Best North American Equity Fund Over 3 Years.

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada 2022 Winner, Starlight North American Equity Fund (Series F), Best North American Equity Fund Over 10 Years.

Starlight Dividend Growth Class (Series A) was awarded the 2020 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada in the Canadian Dividend & Income Equity Fund category for: three years ending 7/31/2020, out of a classification total of 64 funds. Performance for the Fund for the period ending 7/31/2020 is as follows: 5.2% (1 year), 6.8% (3 year), 4.9% (5 year), 7.1% (10 year) and 8.4% annualized return since inception (10/1/2002). The corresponding Lipper Leader ratings for the same period are as follows: 5 (3 years), 5 (5 years), 4 (10 years).

Starlight Dividend Growth Class (Series F) was awarded the 2021 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada in the Canadian Dividend & Income Equity Fund category for: five years ending 7/30/2021, out of a classification total of 59 funds. Performance for the Fund for the period ending 7/30/2021 is as follows: 27.3% (1 year), 12.3% (3 year), 11.2% (5 year), 9.8% (10 year) and 10.3% annualized return since inception (8/1/2003). The corresponding Lipper Leader ratings of the fund for the same period are as follows: 5 (3 years), 5 (5 years), 5 (10 years).

Starlight North American Equity Fund (Series A) was awarded the 2020 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada in the North American Equity Fund category for: three years ending 7/31/2020, out of a classification total of 17 funds. Performance for the Fund for the period ending 7/31/2020 is as follows: 19.5% (1 year), 14.3 % (3 year), 5.1% (5 year), 9.1% (10 year) and 6.6% annualized return  since inception (11/1/1995). The corresponding Lipper Leader ratings of the fund for the same period are as follows: 4 (3 years), 3 (5 years), 4 (10 years).

Starlight North American Equity Fund (Series F) was awarded the 2022 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Canada in the North American Equity Fund category for: ten years ending 7/29/2022, out of a classification total of 10 funds. Performance for the Fund for the period ending 7/29/2022 is as follows: -4.9% (1 year), 11.9% (3 year), 12.3% (5 year), 11.4% (10 year) and 7.3% annualized return since inception (10/1/2001). The corresponding Lipper Leader ratings of the fund for the same period are as follows: 5 (3 years), 4 (5 years), 5 (10 years).

©2025 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. Used under license. The Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards, granted annually, highlight funds and fund companies that have excelled in delivering consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is a risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. The fund with the highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award. For more information, see Although Refinitiv Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Refinitiv Lipper.
© Copyright 2025 Starlight Investments Capital LP. All Rights Reserved.

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